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Jorge Cham; Daniel Whiteson - We Have No Idea

We Have No Idea (Könyv)

A Guide To The Unknown Universe

Jorge Cham; Daniel Whiteson;

Könyv > Idegen nyelvű > English books;
6 990 Ft
(Eredeti ár: 6 990 Ft)
Megtakarítás: 0%
Szállítás: Bizonytalan


PHD Comics creator Jorge Cham and particle physicist Daniel Whiteson have teamed up to spelunk through the enormous gaps in our cosmological knowledge, armed with their popular infographics, cartoons, and unusually entertaining and lucid explanations of science.  In We Have No Idea, they explore the biggest unknowns in the universe, why these things are still mysteries, and what a lot of smart people are doing to figure out the answers (or at least ask the right questions). While they're at it, they helpfully demystify many complicated things we do know about, from quarks and neutrinos to gravitational waves and exploding black holes. With equal doses of humor and delight, they invite us to see the universe as a vast expanse of mostly uncharted territory that's still ours to explore.

Kiadás éve: 2017
Oldalak száma: 354 oldal
Kötésmód: karton
ISBN: 9781473660175
EAN: 9781473660175

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